Class 6

Welcome to our class page - we hope you find the page useful and interesting!

Welcome to Class 6. Our teacher is Miss Marsh. We are also incredibly lucky to have Mrs Sharp supporting our class the majority of the week.

Every Monday afternoon, Miss Knibb also comes and teaches us


Important notices:   YEAR 6 BOOSTER clubs have now started. Every Monday evening 3.15-4.15!

Important days of the week for Class 6!


Monday - Spellings are given out in class -  Indoor PE kit needed - Booster sessions 3.15 -4.15

Tuesday - Homework is due in! Indoor PE kit need for St Wilfrid's

Wednesday -

Thursday -

Friday - Spellings will be tested today.  Homework will also be given out,


To infinity....and beyond

We have an extremely jam-packed half term ahead to enjoy. Alongside literacy and maths, here are some other fun filled topics we will discover:

Science – Being the overriding focus of this term, our Science work is called ‘To infinity and Beyond.’ We are taking a whistle-stop tour of the solar system, the planets, the seasons, the moon as well as stars and constellations.

Topic – Linking our Space topic to our home, we are beginning to look at the geographical aspects of the world. We are taking tour around time zones, geographical skills linked to longitude and latitude, landmarks from space as well as much more.

PE- Working closely with St Wilfrid’s PE specialists, we are focusing on a session of dance

RE – Within RE we will be taking a look at the science behind the creation of the earth compared to the views of different religions. We will be asking ourselves about different theories

D&T – Taking on board out Space topic, we are going to be designing, creating and evaluating moon buggies.

Music –  We are looking at the compositions of Gustav Holst. His classical pieces of ‘The Planets’ fits perfectly with our Space topic

We had the pleasure of welcoming GOOGLE into our school today. Google expeditions took us on a virtual tour! We look forward to using this feature even more now in our classrooms.




If you hand your homework in ontime you get the chance to play 'homeworkopoly' every Friday with some fantastic and interesting prizes to be won!

We are really enjoying Forest Schools at the moment. We have been learning about the soldiers rationing, having a go at cooking and sampling some as well as creating shelters!

We enjoyed a fantastic day at Eden Camp, where we found out more about the outbreak of war, the rise of Hitler, the Blitz and prisoner of war camps!